Ralph Nader
RALPH NADER  Macroknow Library

The Ralph Nader Reader.

On the Presidency and Democracy

"Up against the corporate government, voters find themselves asked to choose between look-alike candidates from two parties vying to see who takes the marching orders from their campaign paymasters and their future employers. The money of vested interests nullifies genuine voter choice and trust. Our elections have been put out for auction to the highest bidder."1a

"Thomas Jefferson said that "a little rebellion now and then" might be a good thing. He was right, and we need such a rebellion now: a democratic revolution that will reinvent and rediscover democracy."1b

"What can be done when government itself becomes lawless, flouting the very Constitution and congressional laws that it is duty-bound to uphold? This is one of the most important yet neglected problems of self-governance of our time."1c MONTESQUIEU

On the  Corporate State and the Corporatizing of America

"The principal call is almost primitive in its simplicity. It is a call for corporations to stop stealing, stop deceiving, stop corrupting politicians with money, stop monopolizing, stop poisoning the earth, air and water, stop selling dangerous products, stop exposing workers to cruel hazards, stop tyrannizing people of conscience within the company and start respecting long-range survival needs and rights of present and future generations."1d

"Conglomerate mergers are usually justified by the magic of synergy, that 2+2=5. To be sure, economies of scale require that firms be large enough to be efficient. But firms can also be too large to be efficient (or 2+2=3)."1e*

"The problem of corporate power comes in three expressions -- misfeasance (the improper use of proper power), malfeasance (the use of improper power) and non-feasance (the non-use of proper power)."1f

On the Information Age

"With 99 percent of all contracts not negotiated -- e.g., insurance policies, credit card conditions, mortgage instruments, shrink-wrap licenses, and installment loan agreements -- sellers demand that consumers sign on the dotted line and give up rights, remedies, and bargaining."1g

"It is the rare American who does not live in the shadow of his dossier. The "dossier industry" is a huge and growing business. There are 105 million files kept by the Association of Credit Bureaus of America (ACBA). . . "1h

"Unless citizens are provided with an "information bill of rights" enabling them to see, correct, and know the uses of these dossiers, and to impose liability on wrongdoers, they can be reduced to a new form of computer-indentured slavery."1i

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* Italics in the original.

1 Ralph Nader. The Ralph Nader Reader. Foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich. Ralph Nader, 2000. New York, NY: Seven Stories Press.
On the Presidency and Democracy

Statement of Ralph Nader Announcing His Candidacy for the Green Party's Nomination for President (2000), at 8-9.
b Ibid., at 22.
c Ibid., at 25.
On the  Corporate State and the Corporatizing of America
d Corporate Power in America (1980), at 103.
e Is Bigness Bad for Business? Co-Authored by Mark Green (1979), at 106.
f Taming the Corporate Tiger (1966), at 138.
On the Information Age
g Digital Democracy in Action (1996), at 401.
h The Dossiers Invade the Home (1971), at 407.
i Ibid., at 416
