Carl Gustav Jung
CARL GUSTAV JUNG  Macroknow Library

VII Sermones ad Mortuos (Seven Sermons to the Dead).

The First Sermon 
"The dead came back from Jerusalem, where they did not find what they were seeking. They asked admittance to me and demanded to be taught by me, and thus I taught them:
Hear Ye: I begin with nothing. Nothing is the same as fullness. . . The nothing is both empty and full. . .
The Nothing, or fullness, is called by us the PLEROMA. . .
Differentiation is creation. . . 
Our essence is differentiation. . ."

The Second Sermon
"During the night the dead stood along the walls and shouted: 'We want to know about God! Where is God? Is God dead?'
--God is not dead; . . .God is a quality of the Pleroma . . .
All things which are brought forth from the Pleroma by differentiation are pairs of opposites; therefore God always has with him the Devil. . .
There is a God about whom you know nothing . . . We call him by his name: ABRAXAS. . .
Abraxas is activity . . .
He is active non-reality . . ."

The Third Sermon
"Abraxas generates truth and falsehood, good and evil . . . with the same word and in the same deed.
. . . Abraxas . . . is the cosmos; its genesis and dissolution. To every gift of God-the-Sun, the devil adds his curse. . .
Such is the terrible Abraxas. . .
He is deceitful reality."

Answer to Job.

". . . But what does man possess that God does not have? Because of his littleness, puniness, and defencelessness against the Almighty, he possesses . . . a somewhat keener consciousness based on self-reflection: he must, in order to survive, always be mindful of his impotence."2a

"But what is Job's guilt? The only thing he [Job] can be blamed for is his incurable optimism in believing that he can appeal to divine justice. In this he is mistaken, as Yahweh's subsequent words prove. God does not want to be just: he merely flaunts might over right. . ."2b

". . . Job stands morally higher than Yahweh. In this respect the creature has surpassed the creator. . . Yahweh must become man precisely because he has done man a wrong. He, the guardian of justice, knows that every wrong must be expiated, and Wisdom knows that moral law is above even him. Because his creature has surpassed him he must regenerate himself."2c

"Yahweh's intention to become man, which resulted from his collision with Job, is fulfilled in Christ's life and suffering."2d

"What kind of father is it who would rather his son were slaughtered than forgive his ill-advised creatures who have been corrupted by his precious Satan?"2e

"Like Job, he [John] saw the fierce and terrible side of Yahweh. For this reason he felt his gospel of love to be one-sided, and he supplemented it with the gospel of fear [the Book of Revelation]: God can be loved but must be feared."2f*

Psychological Types.

"By the introverted and extraverted types I distinguish two general classes of men, which can be further subdivided into function-types, i.e., thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuitive types. Hence an introvert can be either a thinking or feeling type, since feeling as well as thinking can come under the supremacy of the idea, just as both can be dominated by the object."3a

". . . [T]he whole essence of consciousness is discrimination, distinguishing ego from non-ego, subject from object, positive from negative, and so forth. The separation into pairs of opposites is entirely due to conscious differentiation . . ."3b

"The really fundamental subject, the self, is far more comprehensive than the ego, since the former includes the unconscious whereas the latter is essentially the focal point of consciousness."3c

"I regard intuition as a basic psychological function . . . It is the function that mediates perceptions in an unconscious way."3d

"I myself am so profoundly convinced of the uniformity of the psyche that I have even summed it up in the concept of the collective unconscious, as a universal and homogeneous substratum whose uniformity is such that one finds the same myth and fairytale motifs in all corners of the earth . . ."3e

"The conscious psyche is an apparatus for adaptation and orientation, and consists of a number of different psychic functions. Among these we can distinguish four basic ones: sensation, thinking, feeling, intuition. Under sensation I include all perceptions by means of the sense organs; by thinking I mean the function of intellectual cognition and the forming of logical conclusions; feeling is a function of subjective valuation; intuition I take as perception by way of the unconscious, or perception of unconscious content."3f

"Strictly speaking, there are no introverts and extraverts pure and simple, but only introverted and extraverted function-types, such as thinking types, sensation types, etc."3g

"I distinguish four functions: thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition. The essential function of sensation is to establish that something exists, thinking tells us what it means, feeling what its value is, and intuition surmises whence it comes and whither it goes. Sensation and intuition I call irrational functions, because they are both concerned simply with what happens and with actual or potential realities. Thinking and feeling, being discriminative functions, are rational."3h

"It is not the purpose of a psychological typology to classify human beings into categories -- this in itself would be pretty pointless. Its purpose is rather to provide a critical psychology which will make a methodical investigation and presentation of the empirical material possible."3i


* Italics in the original.

1 Stephan A. Hoeller. The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead. Stephan A. Hoeller, 1982. Publication made possible with the assistance of the Kern Foundation. Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing House, a department of the Theosophical Society in America.
a  The First Sermon, at 44-48.
b  The Second Sermon, at 48-50.
c  The Third Sermon, at 50-52.

2 C. G. Jung. Answer to Job. 50th-Aniversary Edition. Translated by R.F.C. Hunt. Bollingen Foundation, New York, NY, 1958. Princeton University Press, 1969 (2nd Edition), 1973 (Editorial Note). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
a II, at 13.
b II, at 16.
c VI, at 43.
d VII, at 47.
e X, at 56.
f XV, at 88.

3 Carl Gustav Jung. Psychological Types. Bollingen Series XX: The Collected Works of C G. Jung, Vol. 6. A Revision by R. F. C. Hull of the translation by H. G. Baynes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1971.
a II. Schiller's Ideas on the Type Problem, at 68.
b Ibid., at 112.
c X. General Description of the Types, at 376.
d XI. Definitions, at 453.
e Epilogue, at 491.
f Appendix: Four Papers on Psychological Typology, at 518.
g Ibid., at 523.
h Ibid., at 553.
Ibid., at 554-555.

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